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Curriculum Vitae

I am an associate professor in the Department of Anthropology at Trent University. My academic CV lists research outputs, teaching, service and awards.

I am a member of TUARC, the AABA, PPA and CABA.

I am available for media interviews, forensic consultation and to act as external reviewers for department/program, thesis defenses, academic publications and grant applications.

Select publications

For a full listing and links to my academic publications please visit my googlescholar page


Watson, L, S Fuentes, A Nelson, JS Williams, S Gauld, J Motley, L Poeta, L Gomez, J Baldeos, J, & D Pozzi-Escott

​Envolviendo al muerto a orillas del mar: análisis de escaneos tomográficos computarizados de fardos de Ancón y Pachacamac (1100 d. C. - 1532 d. C.).  Boletín de Arqueología Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú 31: 81-101.


MacConnachie, M, S Lu, Y Wang, JS Williams, D Beauchemin

Sex Determination of Mummies through Multi-Elemental Analysis of Head Hair using Electrothermal Vaporization Coupled to Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry. Royal Society of Chemistry Advances 12: 27064-27071


Williams, JS, SS Stronge, G Iannone, F Longstaffe

Examining Chronological Trends in Ancient Maya Diet at Minanha, Belize. Latin American Antiquity 29(2): 269-287.


Conolly J, J Dillane, K Dougherty, K Elaschuk, K Csenkey, JS Williams

Establishing the Long Term Use of a Burial Location from the Fifth to First Millennium BP in South-Central Ontario: An Interim Report on Mortuary Patterning, Palaeodietary Analysis, Zooarchaeology, Material Culture and Chronology from Jacob’s Island-1 (BcGo-17), Kawartha Lakes. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 38(1): 106-133.

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